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Moving Area


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If you have a SGC and FAC in one area (South Wales) and you move area (Bristol), but are back and forth between the two locations ... what's the deal with your licences ?


Secondly, what's the deal with putting a second cabinet in your other location so you can take a rifle when your there?



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You are free to take your licensed guns wherever you wish; it just remains down to you to ensure their security at all times. The only thing you might like to do is if they are stored in Bristol on a regular basis is to have a chat to that constabulary firearms dep't and explain the situation - I'm simply thinking that in the event of a break-in while they're there this could save a load of uncomfortable questions should they get nicked, a theft that you're obliged to report.


Edit: I'm assuming your main 'base' remains Wales.

Edited by wymberley
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