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Gun Auctions


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Last Thursday I went along to the Southams gun auction at Bedford. I used to be a regular at these auctions when they used to be held at Thrapston in Nothants. A few years ago I bought a Charles Boswell Side by Side BLNE that had a fantastic piece of walnut on it. Very foolishly, I sold it to an American to finance another purchase and have regretted it ever since. Having not been to a gun auction for a while I'm well and truely hooked again.

I was looking for an old side by side I could use as a knock about gun. I held on to the second but last lot, a very nice AYA that had unusually very nice woodwork to it. Bidding started at £30 and under pressure I pulled out of the bidding at £75 only to be cursing myself all the way home empty-handed. :/

There were some bargains to be had there;

.410 folding poacher guns with skeleton stocks going for £35-£50

12g Cogswell & Harrison BLE £75

.243 Parker Hale with scope £120

Various quality English non-ejectors £75-£150

I think what I'll do is hang on for the next auction and get myself another English Non-ejector to replace the old Boswell. :good:

Anyone know what the Scotarms auction are like up at Newark?

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I could'nt get down to Southams but went to the Scotarms Auction at Newark Show Ground the week before and I must say a majority of what went through was overpriced rubbish, loads of various Baikals and single barrels but nothing of any worth. I was after a nice English sbs but most of them needed a lot of expensive work so came home empty handed :huh: .


Any idea how often Southams hold their sales?

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I could'nt get down to Southams but went to the Scotarms Auction at Newark Show Ground the week before and I must say a majority of what went through was overpriced rubbish, loads of various Baikals and single barrels but nothing of any worth. I was after a nice English sbs but most of them needed a lot of expensive work so came home empty handed :D .


Any idea how often Southams hold their sales?


Next Southams sale is in June. There's normally three sales a year held in March, June and September.

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