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breeding ferrets


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im looking to have on litter off of my polecat jill trinny. the other will be taken out with a jill jab.

just wandering if anyone would be interested in a ferret kits when they are ready. hopefully going to mate her with a silver hob.





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Remember you could get up to 15 kits to rehome..... my first litter last year produced 11, luckily i had homed all of them before they were born.


Definately best to get homes for them before they pop out, also read a shed load of books n stuff on the internet about it all. Im 19 and my first litter was the most stressful thing ive ever experienced, they eat you out of house and home aswell. My lot were eating around 10 pigeon breasts and half a rabbit a day.





Good fun though, an experience worth doing.

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ive got the mother to be on my lap at the mo, heres me hoping it aint to big a litter, i live in a very rural area, and i know a lot of people that would prob take some, my college wants two, madcowz may be taking two jills.and my cousin may be having one or two. so i have a few already ligned up for homes. wouldnt have done it, if i couldnt home them.





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ive got the mother to be on my lap at the mo, heres me hoping it aint to big a litter, i live in a very rural area, and i know a lot of people that would prob take some, my college wants two, madcowz may be taking two jills.and my cousin may be having one or two. so i have a few already ligned up for homes. wouldnt have done it, if i couldnt home them.









I want the expectant mother to have the best treatment possible. She is to live indoors from now on, perhaps on your bed. No more cold drafty cages.


I want her fed on the finest organic Aberdeen Angus beef. No butcher offcuts. Water, again, the finest bottled spring water available.


Got to make sure those kits are really healthy




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lol, dont be giving her any ideas now. shes nice and warm tucked up in bed with her three best friends, snug as a bug in a rug :huh:

here she is having a feed at my feet while i type


got a nice silver hob lined up for her.





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Good luck with her, things normally go OK and jills are very competent mothers (in my experience).


I always planned my litters for as early in the season a possible, that ensured I found homes for them.

Those that weren't prebooked, were sold by an Ad in the Post Office, or local shop window.


Later litters can face a glut of kits on the market.

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