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Opening day tomorrow!


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Well, its that time of year again, and opening day at Chew valley lake beckons. Loading the car up with sleeping bag, food and beer for the monster drinkie session tonight around the camp fire, with fresh steaks and whiskey :( yummy. Then up at 6am ( I hope we get some sleep this time) on the banks of the lake to hear the dawn chorus and watch the sunrise over the hills, lifting the fog gently through out the morning. Then a lovely fry up with plenty of tea at about 9am :huh:


Meeting the old boy down on Wick Green if anyone else is attending, but apparently North Shore fished its bottom off yesterday on the season ticket holder's day.


Time to whip the water into a trout feasting frenzy! Tight lines :lol:

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We did very well in the end. After 4 steaks and lots of whiskey in the evening (burp!) we went out to a lovely looking lake, still as a mill-pond at 6am. By midday we both had our limits! (8 fish each)


My bag totalled 23lbs, and the old man's 28lbs, what a great start to the season! Everyone along Wick Green was catching plenty, including our good friend Nick Long (english team capt.). Best opening day for a long time, I'm glad they have sorted out the stocking issues that seemed to have plagued Chew for a few years. Blagdon opening day tomorrow, though I can't make it the old man will be braving the weather to see what he can catch.



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All from the bank, and they were taking anything generally! intermediate or slow sinking lines seemed best (a bit of wind created some chop on the surface driving them down) and the best fly seemed to be an all black lure with a single gold beaded head. Like a Dog Knobbler, but a wee bit smaller...I think they called it a "Cormorant", which is similar to a Butcher. Also the same in peach worked quite well - the old boy has been flat out tying some more for tomorrows fishing.


pulling it back was best just to be random - slow worked for some, and fast for others. They weren't taking with any great force either, just a bump-bump-bump...(stop pulling)..BUMP, and it was on.


I was a complete numpty and forgot to take any sort of camera with me on the day :good: Shame, as the sunrise was spectacular across the lake.

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