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Hi all

At the present the rape has got a little high, so i was wondering how u all get them above the rape so they are still seen ? :D


When using shell deek's the spring & normal sticks are'nt long enough !


When using full body i either sit them on top of the rape(which i feel don't stand out enough) or use bamboo sticks :blink: .


What else could i use ?


I was thinking in line of something strong yet light as an extension. ( metal rod's with the right sized hole or strong plastic )


What your thought's ?


Regards turk101

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I have tried the tractor tracks but did'nt think they were a big enough draw as they don't really stand out well, i do use the bamboo sticks too, but i was thinking more for the shell deeks.(as u very well know we carry enough gear as it is).

regards turk101

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