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Daystate Huntsman or Wolverine.


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Hi guys, I'm in the market for a new Daystate. I already own the Airwolf and Air ranger.

The new bullpup is not for me so torn between the Huntsman or Wolverine.

With the Wolverine having a similar stock to the Wolf and Ranger i was swinging towards a Huntsman.

So the next question is, the Classic or Regal? Is the new regal the way to go with titanium internals or?...

Any advise or input very welcomed.


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I,ve got them both mate,,


the huntsman classic is a superb tool for humping round your perms, its light, super accurate, and a good looker too,

the wolverine and I,ve got both b + c (the b is better) is superb , its a killing machine but it is better than the huntsman imo yes, for accuracy there is not much difference,, weight the wolverine is heavier,, looks wise nothing beats the huntsman classic,, but the two biggest gains from the wolverine is you cannot double load, its superb when using of a night and the shot count is a lot higher but the wolverine is more expensive,


they are both excellent rifles, they are both accurate as hell,,they are both stunning looking rifles,,but if I was to pick one for hunting then the wolverine b is superb followed a very close second by the huntsman classic, your best bet is to try them both and see how they feel,


stear clear of the regal as heard too many complaints yet my mate has two and both have been faultless,


good luck with your choice

here is a pic



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I,ve got them both mate,,


the huntsman classic is a superb tool for humping round your perms, its light, super accurate, and a good looker too,

the wolverine and I,ve got both b + c (the b is better) is superb , its a killing machine but it is better than the huntsman imo yes, for accuracy there is not much difference,, weight the wolverine is heavier,, looks wise nothing beats the huntsman classic,, but the two biggest gains from the wolverine is you cannot double load, its superb when using of a night and the shot count is a lot higher but the wolverine is more expensive,


they are both excellent rifles, they are both accurate as hell,,they are both stunning looking rifles,,but if I was to pick one for hunting then the wolverine b is superb followed a very close second by the huntsman classic, your best bet is to try them both and see how they feel,


stear clear of the regal as heard too many complaints yet my mate has two and both have been faultless,


good luck with your choice

here is a pic

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&&0![cdata[>What he says :good:

Huntsman classic every day over Regal IMO !


Whats it for ? I would be tempted to say Huntsman classic as you have two "bottle guns already". :yes:

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I,ve got them both mate,,


the huntsman classic is a superb tool for humping round your perms, its light, super accurate, and a good looker too,

the wolverine and I,ve got both b + c (the b is better) is superb , its a killing machine but it is better than the huntsman imo yes, for accuracy there is not much difference,, weight the wolverine is heavier,, looks wise nothing beats the huntsman classic,, but the two biggest gains from the wolverine is you cannot double load, its superb when using of a night and the shot count is a lot higher but the wolverine is more expensive,


they are both excellent rifles, they are both accurate as hell,,they are both stunning looking rifles,,but if I was to pick one for hunting then the wolverine b is superb followed a very close second by the huntsman classic, your best bet is to try them both and see how they feel,


stear clear of the regal as heard too many complaints yet my mate has two and both have been faultless,


good luck with your choice

here is a pic

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You say it's possible to double feed the Huntsman? Never had this problem with my HW100 mate. I'll bet the next generation of Daystates have low set magazines they have already adopted the side lever. :lol::yahoo:

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yes you can double feed probably 99% of air rifles,but when you familiarise yourself with any rifle this does not become a problem, I agree the side lever is an excellent idea and is as they say " faster to cock" but I,m one of those that prefers the bolt action rifles,,

just a little pointer for you, I also agree the magazine on the hw100 is better than the system used on the daystates, BUT,, the thing I don't like about the hw,s is ALL seem heavy , ALL look like a piece of 3 x 2 with a barrel hanging out , and they are renowned for stepping over the 12ftlb limit,

I also agree that the hw100 is a superbly accurate rifle, but they are NOT for me, would I have one ,,maybe at the right price,,would I buy the pulsar ? NO ,,its a bullpup,its got a side lever and its as ugly as the hw100,s

so your point is ???

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Also Evo while the HW100 may well be anti-double feed, I don’t believe you can de-cock them either!
As yet I’ve never double loaded any of my Daystates. Maybe we are more competent as Daystate owners. Also HW seem to be letting more and moor 100`s out of the door with issues of different types.
A shooting partner of mine has had his new one returned 2/3 times and HC now have just replaced the whole darn thing.

Also agree……… rifles should have bolts and not side leavers.

And Air-Arms are good rifles but the bluing is poor on them and known for it and also there still pushing the same technology with no real forward momentum.





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agree about the airarms blueing as my buddy has got a s410, the blueing is already showing signs of what looks like rust spots,,cracking gun but very cheaply made but fair cop they have stood the test of time,


side levers sorry I,m not a lover of them at all,bolt action for me anyday, one thing I do love about daystate rifles now is the smoothness and the feel of the bolt action, on my airwolf it is so sensitive that when I push it forward slowly you can actually feel the pellet entering the barrel,

didn,t get that with any other air rifle I shot that's for sure


atb Evo

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