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How does this thing work exactly???

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Just bought these QD Sling swivels specific for TX200 off eBay for £30.

Just want to know how i attach them to the gun?



Yes obviously the back one screws in and the band goes onto the barrel.

But does the band/clip just push onto the barrel and that's it?

I would imagine it would slide up the barrel if much force is put on it?

Is there some way that the band locks in place?

I would imagine that if it locks when pushed on it will really take alot of force to get it on? (And i don't want to scrape the barrel!)

Also does the band/clip go onto the under lever or the barrell?


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Looks like it might fit onto the bit at the end of the barrel the underlever clips into,I cant see how it could go on the barrel itself.


Edit : All the ones on google images show it fitted to the underlever about 4 inch in front of the end of the stock.

Edited by Rewulf
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Yes sorry , they go on the under lever , I have had one on my HW97 for years and it has never moved , the instructions recommended the loctite to ensure it does not move.

Thanks all! Just wondering as i work in a hardware store and have loctite in work but i always thought it was just for locking nuts and bolts together that you never want removed?

Probably works fine for this too? Do you just put a bit on the inside of band then tighten? How long does it take to set?

What if i get any on the barrel apart from under the band? Is it like super glue if yes that would be bad for the barrel. Plus if i remember from work i think the stuff is red! (That would look pretty bad)

No i'm not really messy but when tightening band some could ooze out. Will it just wipe off?

Edited by Marksman1997
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