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brass size

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Hi lads help needed I reloaded some Norma once fired brass the cases where all the same size 1.750 when loaded. after firing yesterday i have just full length resized some and checked for some risen they are coming out at 1.747 and 1.745 can somebody please explain why.I am using rcb dies I am under impresion that the should come out longer.thank you

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This happens when you full length resize. metal is transfered from around the side wall up into the neck. Each time you trim the length you are effectively taking metal from the body. Eventually the case breaks into two parts about an inch up from the base. If you are very unlucky the case sticks in the receiver and is a real .... to get out.


Either just neck size or adjust your full length resize stroke to not push back on the shoulder. Adjust so that the brass only just chambers without any resistance.

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