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Tackling tall rape

Guest Wilksy

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Guest Wilksy

I went for a wander round last night, well about 5:30pm having not been for over two weeks, there's a few horse paddocks near the rape field one had a good twenty to thirty on which I left too it, as I turned the corner into my rape field I disturbed four pigeons and as I walked round the edge kept lifting small numbers, so I started to clap my hands as I headed towards the short weedy strip that I've been shooting over and a good thirty bird lifted out of the middle of the field where the rape has shed its flowers, then another group lifted and all told there must have been sixty all sat in the trees and power lines, my plan is to go tomorrow maybe set up for 3pm in the hedge that runs along the short strip and hope to pull them in there, mainly so I can still retrieve them, any thoughts/ advice appreciated

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