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Signs of deer ?

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Morning all had a wonder around my permission this morning.

The permission is mainly young woodland around 15-20 years old which is a mixture of ever green trees but mainly native oaks and berch around 150 acres with woodland surrounding my permission. There a foot paths but not really big openings.

There are a few cherry trees around the place all around the said trees the grass is flat at the base of the tree, I walked further back into the wood and found another 3m2 patch a ruff grass/ scrub all faltend down.

I know there are a good number of muntys around and have only ever seen roe pass by and never saw fallow there.

In the flat patches of grass there are no noticible poo around or any scrapes.

The thing that has confused me is that all the leafs of a young oak tree have been nibble of to around 4 ft high, is the likely to be an increase in muntys? Or would you say there are resident roe ?


Cheers rob

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Slots and croties are the first thing you should look for. If you think its been a couching down spot there should be hair relevant to species, have you considered it could have also been used by a couple for some outdoors action.

Night vision trail cam will confirm if it's doggers and give you something for the private library!

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