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Cleaning Hushpower moderator.


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I use my Hushpower 20ga O/U quite a lot , 100's of cartridges a week and it doesn't get cleaned every day.

This means the coke build up inside the moderator tube can make removing it very difficult.


I have now bought some brass wire brushes, which are sold as spark plug cleaners and taped them to an old walking stick.

Two brushes back to back fit tight into the moderator and remove the coke perfectly.


Not pretty, but its very efficient.





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It sounds as though you clean yours as often as I clean mine.

I put two cushions in a vice, put the stock in and holding the moderator near the end try to unscrew it.

It sometimes takes a while, but I always get mine off.

Once I clear the thread, I stop twisting and just move the mod up and down whilst pulling it.

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