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Bunny bashing and a cheeky bonus


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I was out last night with my shooting buddy after bunnies. I left him in the field near the farm with his air rifle as the bunnies tend to pop out at reasonable ranges there and I headed to another field where the ranges are a bit longer requiring the LR.

After nearly getting entangled on a barbed wire fence I fought my way out. Sitting in the field as bold as brass was a bunny who must have been desperate for a feed as it sat there while I extended the legs on my sticks, had then too long, adjusted them again and finally found a decent gap to shoot through the hedge :lol: .


I then plonked myself in the long grass and waited for its mates to come out but the ones that did were a long way out and really jittery not presenting a shot. I soon found out why as a fox came out of the hedge and attempted to make off with my previously hard won rabbit.

Well that wasn't on and also the farmer was a bit unhappy at the local foxes due to the wiping out of his chicken coop the other week so the little fella caught a Winchester sub in the head and wend down in a heap.


In the end with the NV I ended up with 3 rabbits and charley. My mate got one rabbit and had four hours sleep probably while the bunnies were having a picnic in front of him, still bless he is 75 after all and hasn't been sleeping well recently so probably needed the break in a nice corner of an English field :rolleyes:.




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Good result. You are lucky to be able to use rimfire for close range fox in MK - Leic's no likey that lol.



Fortunately Dave I have benefited from the new wording on the FACs. Without wishing to stir up the debate again my cert specifies ground game, vermin and any other lawful quarry so its pretty much covered.

Nice distance as well he closed to within 25yards with a nice hill as a backstop, at that range not a lot of stuff likes a 40g winnie sub to the noggin.

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