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rabbit hunter

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I have got a red filter for my lamp. THe bloke in the shop says it is supposed to 'relax' the rabbits. Also its meant to bring their eyes up better. Do any of you lot think that red filters are better than the normal beam.

And do you think it would be better to find the bunnies with the filter on, and then when it comes to coursing them, take the filter off??

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I use a red filter for nearly all my lamping,it takes the glare out of the lamp.The rabbits soon learn that it means danger.The best way to see is get a mate to stand 50yds away shine the white light at you,it's like being dazzled by oncoming traffic at night. ??? Then try it with a filter you can look at the light easy <_<

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Guest Mr Pieman

I'd disagree with you on that point HG. If you have top quality glassware it shouldn't make any difference. I always use red filters and can shoot right on the fringes of the light without any problem.


PP :)

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I've had a homemade red filter on my gun lamp for a while now and it is much better than using the white light.


I've actually seen rabbits go back to eating when I've been shining the lamp on them. Mind you, they're getting a bit smart now, so I'm having to do a lot more snap shooting



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Rabbits dont see red light well.

Its a bit like you looking at an infrared lamp. you see a small amount of glow but not the surchlight that it realy is. Rabbits (and foxes) get wise to the little bit of glow. But they always run from the white light.

I have a Lightforce lamp with red filter and can see clealy to beond the range that I can accuratly shoot to unsuported (about 150 yards on fox but I can see clearly to more than 300)

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