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And the first permission rolls in.......

BSA Shaun

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Well had a good old walk around the land and there is plenty out there for the taking. :D


Saw a few grey squirrels, loads of woodies and a field load of crows. Only saw one solitary rabbit and he was a bit close to the pheasant pen for a clean shot.


So getting my shooting partner out there this week, decoy up and let them come to us.


Will keep you guys in the loop!

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went out on my own again this morning, due to the amount of crows you can stalk all you like but they still see you and when they fly off the woodies seem to follow suit. Definitely a decoy jobbie.


However Mr Squirrel was on his daily stretch of his legs, unfortunately for him I was about 20-25yds away. Got him in scope and just as I fired he was a good lad and looked upwards! So the shot, which would have caved his skull actually went right in the bottom of his throat and up. Boy did he twich when he hit the deck.


Tree Rat - 0


Me- 1



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went out on my own again this morning, due to the amount of crows you can stalk all you like but they still see you and when they fly off the woodies seem to follow suit. Definitely a decoy jobbie.


However Mr Squirrel was on his daily stretch of his legs, unfortunately for him I was about 20-25yds away. Got him in scope and just as I fired he was a good lad and looked upwards! So the shot, which would have caved his skull actually went right in the bottom of his throat and up. Boy did he twich when he hit the deck.


Tree Rat - 0


Me- 1



:angry: well done come it coming!! :blush:

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