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MacBook Pro help


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Girlfriend has just bought a Mac book pro, and has installed light room and photoshop for her photography editing. She puts the sd card in the side and uploads the pictures to the 'pictures' app. However there just seems no conceivable way to upload them to lightroom to start editing them.


Any help would be good:)




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Don't import to photos on the start. If you are using Lightroom, then only have a Lightroom library.


If you want to have libraries in both programs, then you need to use referenced libraries where you put photos into a defined folder structure and have the program reference them. Then you can have both programs reference the same. If you just import into photos, then the pictures are in a photos managed library and Lightroom won't see them.

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Thanks for the replies all:) we tried the sd card method to no joy for some reason but ended up- making each image a file on "desktop" then going to light room and selecting import from desktop...and it worked.... maybe not the easiest of ways but after a very long time of trying to figure it all out... we were happy :) I'll make sure it's been updated also. And also import directly to light room. See what happens lol



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