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For you real tree gun cammo fans

Lancs Lad

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Here is/was my harrier x2. About 5 or 6 hours work over a week between layers.


Cost about 4 quid per tin of paint, so aroun £20, plus nitromorse another fiver or so, wire wool, a trip to casualty, but thats another story.....(never rip wire wool,,,,it tends to slice right through your finger...s



So there you go. You dont have to spend over 200 on hydro graphics

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For me the proofs in the pudding,

does it actually help to conceal the rifle in the field?

if so then its a good job in my opinion :lol: I can understand why occasionally people get hung up on a rifle looking pleasing to the eye etc. but for me at the end of the day its a piece of hands on equipment - not an ornament to be looked at through a glass case.

So like I said mate, if it works then kudos for saving yourself a fair few quid and also learning the perils of wire wool abuse :angry:

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Had rabbits run over me when out in the field.


Yes dazzi, it was traded in.......


The stock wasnt walnut, it was beech.


Like monkey says, its a tool......................The stock did have its dings in it, these were rubbed out when finishing, it was multi laqured - matt finish then fine wire wooled to take more of the sheen off.


I am never one to belive that your gun should be wrapped in cotton wool, fine if you have a set of purdeys etc etc, but for a 500 quid air gun, shotty etc etc....then be prepared..........for you will scratch it, but guess what...................WHO CARES.



As for devaluing it, I got 650 for it when I traded it in. And it went out of the shop within a week.............




But I miss it........................

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