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Not just the bag that makes the flight.


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For the last few weeks I was thinking max was showing his age and about a fortnight ago he went completely of his food and started to lose weight, I was quite worried but after changing from dry food to tinned food he has bounced back and seems to be full of beans again. This morning he stunned me with a fantastic retrieve on a very tricky wing tipped mallard. The bird folded and came down in the water as though it was stone dead but just as max was about to pick it up it flipped over and dived. The mallard and max played cat and mouse for what seemed like forever and both ended up about 150 yards away when max got hold of it and returned with the duck held high and tail wagging. The perfect scenario would have been a dead duck and a quick retrieve but as you all know it doesn't always happen. Not wanting to push him too much we headed home after his fantastic retrieve with two fat mallard drakes in the bag. I was so glad to see max back to his normal self I thought I would share.

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Another nice post aister, there are a lot of us on here with dogs that are getting on a bit can share your feelings , hope he continue to improve and I am sure you will remember those two retrieves longer than the shots that dropped them in the first place . Good luck. :good:


I know I now get more satisfaction seeing my old dog doing a good retrieve ( or even any retrieve come to that ), than I do with the bird I have just shot that the dog is retrieving.

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