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Armi Sport Kentucky Rifle .50

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Armi Sport Kentucky Rifle


.50 Shotgun Private Seller
Used - Very Good Condition bewdley, Worcestershire
Percussion lock, Cylinder, -, 35" barrels
Dsc_0051 Dsc_0053 Dsc_0055


For sale is an Armi Sport .50 cal smooth bore Kentucky "rifle".

Unknown age but lovely dark oiled walnut stock with barely a mark on it and extremely clean all round with zero rust to speak of.

Bright bore, excellent bluing and case hardening to metalwork with brass furniture.

Held on sec.2 shotgun cert and able to shoot shot loads or patched ball (at the range).

This gun is being sold by Pigeon Watch member sterling. Message them here


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Ahhhr, that is hurting me.


I have the 45 version and that is good.


Get in touch if you want to sell the bits and bobs!


They are wonderful guns. Despite looking unwieldy, it balances and handles beautifully and is no problem to take game on the wing. Shoots decent groups with patched ball too.


You'd have first dibs on the bits and bobs but this isn't the end of the road for me and blackpowder - it's just the beginning. This gun is too long to fit in my old man's safe, so I'll pick up another one exactly the same in Canada where I can finally legally point it at deer. :good:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies in advance for the silly Qs -


Is this held on an SGC?

Effectively a muzzle-loading shotgun then? Looks lovely - i may be tempted, but don;t know how i would go about shooting it...

Effective range?

I shoot BP revolvers, etc.


What's the overall length? Must check my cabinet...

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Apologies in advance for the silly Qs -


Is this held on an SGC?

Effectively a muzzle-loading shotgun then? Looks lovely - i may be tempted, but don;t know how i would go about shooting it...

Effective range?

I shoot BP revolvers, etc.


What's the overall length? Must check my cabinet...


They're not silly questions at all. :)


It's held on SGC and legally a muzzle-loading shotgun as you say. As far as shooting it; you can shoot it with shot (5 or more pieces, non exceeding .36") on any land you can legally shoot a conventional shotgun. It can also be used at home office approved ranges with single ball (slug). You don't need an FAC to do that or even be a club member, you just can't legally shoot single ball from it outside of an approved range. Some extremely annoying shooters have made a real song and dance about this law, writing to the police and home office just to feel noticed but it's really quite clear.


Effective range: cylinder bore with 3/4oz of shot drops small game just fine out to maximum 35 yards. More effective than a .410 for me, seems on a par with 28 gauge. With patched ball and a bit of experimenting with loads, you can get some surprisingly good groups out to 50m. Seems wherever the ball goes subsonic, that's where accuracy falls off fast, so hotter loads for further range.


OAL is 50.5" and is a hair too long for a lot of safes. Some forces are happy with just a cable lock for a single muzzleloader but others vary.


If you decide it's your cup of tea, just drop me a PM. I see you're in London so I'd be willing to ship to RFD at no extra cost.


Cheers for now, Sterling.

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