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Winchester sx3 or berretta outlander?


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Over 4000 cartridges through my Outlander in the past year, mostly 28gram Armusa/Olympic Blue/Sportsman Super Smoker/Superb. One single failure - an Armusa cartridge didn't go bang, that wasn't the gun's fault. I have shot larger loads in it than the normal 28grams for clays, and a box or two of 24 gram; I've even put a handful of 21 gram Hull Comp X through it. It's much easier to clean than my Urika, and it isn't showing much wear. I would buy one again.


I bought one with the wood stock, and I have not regretted it.

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The manufacturers referenced all will do the job needed. It's about gun fit and budget. I have beretta and Sx3. Neither have any cycling issues and both need an occasional clean but in reality I have never pushed either to the limit of being sooted up to find out where the issues start.

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