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ruger m77 not firing


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hi guys been out tonight with my hmr 17 went to shoot at a rabbit and click nothing happened did it 4 more times and nothing so changed mags and 1st shot went off and then was nothing for next 3 shots so gave up for the night when i looked at bullets it was hitting rim but not going off will this be firing pin as had rifle for 2 years never not fired before any help

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've also seen first hand issues with older (not used for a while) ammo where the powder simply seems to lose it's 'bang'

Primer tends to have enough force to send the bullet into the rifling, by itself, so ... pretty obvious that the priming compound did not go off. Could be firing pin damage but more likely that the lubricant inside the bolt has dried out. I doubt that the striker spring would have lost much tension at this early stage of the rifle's life.


I suggest that you strip down the bolt, degrease it, clean it and put it back together with a wee bit of Ballistol to keep everything moving and rust free

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