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Where and how to join a game shoot cyndicate


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hi, im new to the shooting world and have recently joined a clay shooting club. i thoroughly enjoy it and on the odd weekend am lucky enough to shoot on a small field for pigeons. i am really keen to find a syndicate or game shoot in west yorkshire but dont know how to go about it. im hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction of what i need to do and who to speak to.

any help would be greatly appreciated

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Hello chap,

I thought I would try to point you in the right direction as regards game shooting,and game shooting syndicates,

The cheapest and in many ways most rewarding way to become involved,is to try and find a DIY syndicate,you would be expected to put in some time and help out building pens, feeding etc but as I said it's very rewarding........if everyone in the syndicate pulls their weight!


Other than that, use the shooting press, magazines like the shooting times often carry adverts for syndicates, another very popular method is to use a web site called gunsonpegs,I must admit nearly all my shooting over the last three years has been sourced from that site.


One other way, is to try and get some beating on a game shoot during the season,word and mouth is often the best way to find out about syndicates looking for members.


Hope this helps.


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Search the 'Guns On Pegs' website to see if there are any syndicates near you. There's also a system in place to contact them. Even if they're fully subscribed, they will probably be grateful for beating help, which is also a great way to get involved and maybe even become a gun one day. Good luck!

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As above, I would highly recommend getting out into the beating line first and seeing it from that side.


Whilst I'm not saying you can't go straight into a paid day, you'd learn a lot from watching how the day goes and the general behaviour.


Whilst I'm not doubting your abilities, I've seen countless people who 'have shot before', step onto their peg and do some incredibly dangerous and idiotic things. The rush of the moment can make some people forget even the most basic gun safety rules.


I was picking up last month and watched someone with 'years of rifle shooting experience' point a loaded gun straight at a line of beaters. After swiftly being told what they were doing, a bird flew over and then they went straight back to pointing at the beaters. :oops: So the person had to be mentored for the rest of the day...

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Chat to the chaps at your clay club, there is a strong chance some will be members of a syndicate or will know of one's in the local area.

Offer your services and go beating for them. As others have said, it is a great way to see how things work and being in the beating line will help you read how the birds fly on different types of ground, which in turn will help with your shooting.


Guns on pegs is a alternative to buy days shooting, but I would advise getting some game shooting experience in first before booking a day on your own. Again the chaps at your clay ground should be able to help you with that, they may even be looking to book a day somewhere that you may be able to join them on.


Failing that, come to this year's pw charity shoot for the chance to win a days game shooting in the raffle.

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