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Mandatory Insurance For Shotgun Shooters


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I think if we are all honest and cost put to one side, we all know we need insurance for shooting. Weather you shoot in the field or on the clay ground. Accidents do happen. For sake of £40.00 you could make all the difference in the case of a lost limb or other injury. Would be good to know what others think.

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If it became mandatory then it would be £180 per year and the government would probably tax it. As you say in your post we all know we need it and should have so really there is no excuse for not having any.


Car insurance is mandatory yet people are prosecuted every week for not having any.

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Fortunately, shooting accidents are extremely rare.


You are far more likely to be injured or injure somebody else whilst skiing, for instance.


If you are a houseowner, you probably already have insurance for Public Liability under your household policy, it's worth checking to see whether shooting is covered.


If you are a BASC / CPSA member, you're covered, although it's worth checking out the full details of cover, as it might not be as extensive as you think.



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