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CZ 512 .22 WMR Vs Remington 597 .22 WMR


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Evening Peeps!


I've just received my variation to purchase a .22 WMR and am looking for some advice to help me choose between two rifles that are available reasonably locally.


If you have any experience or views on either of these two models, I would really appreciate your help in deciding!


The first is a Remington 597 Semi Auto .22 WMR, second hand but in very good condition. It has a laminate stock and is for sale complete with a Hawke 3-9 x 50 scope, 3 mags and a sound moderator - all for £499.00




The second rifle is a new CZ 512 Semi Auto .22 WMR. Screw-cut but otherwise bare, for sale at £475.00, but I would need to factor-in a scope, scope mounts, spare mag and sound moderator.




(need to scroll down to the bottom of the page I'm afraid!)


Which would you go for and why?


It would be great to have your input!






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I believe the CZ 512 is a good choice, accurate and comes apart in 3 pieces for easy cleaning,


The only downside for the CZ from what I have heard off owners and seen on youtube reviews is the trigger is heavy

at 5.5 lbs on 1 US based reviewers write up believe little can be done for it.



The 597 is a good alternative to the 512 plenty of gun for the money with that one you have found,

I think you can get aftermarket parts / customise it a benefit if you want to change anything on it such as the trigger.


hope the below helps apologies its in 17 hmr caliber



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Thanks for that Mossy!


Well done for finding that review of the 597 HMR - I wonder how much of the information is transferable to .22 WMR?


The Remington package is tempting because it struck me as good value but it remains a bit of an unknown quantity to me - I vaguely recall that there might have been problems with jamming on the earliest versions.


The 512 is a known quantity to me in the sense that I already own one in basic .22 LR version and appreciate its simplicity and accuracy but dislike the trigger!


Hobsons choice in many ways eh!




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The 597 suffered in lr. The stacked magazines would get jammed and sticky.

HV ammo seemed to shake the magazine and so it worked more reliably!

I always wondered if a wmr would also be more reliable from the more intense cartridge.

The action and bolt is robust.

The stock felt perfect to me.


The trigger was OK once the sears were unhooked! Keep standard weight springs for safety reasons. It is a simple trigger mechanism.


I don't know about the cz but can not see the trigger being any worse than a 1022 and they are a pig!

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Ah, that's what it was Underdog - the standard .22 lr version!

What you say about the extra oomph from the WMR cartridge makes sense and it's good to hear your positive feedback.


The trigger on the CZ .22 lr is on the heavy side but I have got used to it - there is always a tendency to pull a little bit to the right at distance but at typical .22 lr ranges, it's not a deal breaker!

Never shot a 10/22 but I have heard that they are brutally triggered!

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