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Cocker Rage.

Mr. Merkel

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Hi all,

I was reading with interest the previous thread by Lozrob I am currently looking for a cocker, I came across cocker rage a number of years ago when my sister had a red cocker from show lines dog that she showed and was quiet successful in minor events, every now and again this dog would become possessive, bark, growl and eventually bite.


I was under the impression that this condition was restricted to show cockers and normally red dogs, does cocker rage appear in working cockers and if so is it common.

All the best



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Cocker Rage is usually associated with Golden spaniels but it's not exclusive.


Ours developed it at around 18 months. Would suddenly and randomly guard 'things', lunge at you and then return to his normal self as if nothing had happened.


We lived around it and when it became intolerable we called a Dog whisperer in, one that had studied under Mugford, and after observing the dog and us, gave us advice on how to handle the dog and the situations.


We followed that advice and things improved greatly. The Mrs then fell pregnant some 12 months later and when the dog went for her again the very tough decision was made to put him to sleep. We simply couldn't take the risk of the dog and the baby in the same house.


Despite that, I still miss that dog, god rest his soul.

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