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Hi Guys went out last night for the first time after some bunnies shot at loads but got none. Was wondering if it was me or the pellets or even the gun ( wiehraugh HW77)The Pellets that I am using are spitfires. you would think that I couldn`t hit a barn door after last night , I have done loads of practice at targets and seem to have a good pattern all with an inch of the centre I am not using a Bipod just the good old arms. Any help would be appreciated. :good:

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If you know the pellets work when you are practicing then they should be fine in the field.

(However I would try H&N Field Taerget Trophies in a HW77 as they are the mutts nuts in Wackers!)


Are you taking the shot in the same position as you are practicing in?

Taking a prone shot when you have zero'ed in standing can alter the POI. Another thing is that in the field distance estimation can go to pot in the heat of the moment.


Just a couple of ideas, basically the same areas that I have messed up on in the past :good:

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It's really difficult to say what the problem is.


Was it windy? What range were you shooting at? What was your zero range? Do you know if the Spitfires are a nice consistant pellet (weight-wise)?


All of these things will have a factor in how they shoot, but knocking inch groups out is a reasonably good indication. I use accupel myself (.22) and I can shoot inch or better at 30m from prone with just my arms.

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I use JSB Exacts, Air Arms Field and Logun Penetrators. I get the best groups with the JSB's then the Air Arms then The Loguns. The loguns are definately my favourite for hunting though as they have got some serious knock down powere and I still get one hole groups with them, theyre just a margin larger than the JSB groups. :good:

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