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I spent most of today on the internet and phone trying to source some Alliant Steel Powder or Blue Dot due to my Brother buying some PWS to load for his 10ga. Inspite of at least Two company's claiming on their website they had BOTH in stock I could not find any.

The last phone call I made the owner told me he had not long spoke to Edgar Brother's reference Alliant Powder and was told once Alliant had fulfilled there Military Order the Factory was closing so NO Alliant Powder will be made again of any type ( Rifle - Pistol or Shotgun).

Have anyone else heard this !!!!!! I heard this awhile back about Hodgson Powder but that seems to be readily available again in the UK.

Also IF any of you 10ga reloaders know of a readily Powder available with Data for PWS or Hevi Shot my Brother could use it would be very much appreciated

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Vitavouri 3N38will PM you some data tomorrow cnight when i get back home.

We will all be on Vitavouri 3N38 and other Vitavouri powders before we are finished.

No idea whats going on at Aliant, A381 is Supposed to be showing up this year but ill believe it when i see it.

Gamebore mammoths and a few others use A A 381 or physically similar powder at the moment, but the 16s from gamebore were A steel according to the Americans But stripped Recent ones And they are Black grey Round flaked UEE .... Maxan Powder by the look these days, I recon New Mammoths will take to using this Powder and could be a metaphorical weather vane indicating if its all over at Alliant or not.

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Vitavouri 3N38will PM you some data tomorrow cnight when i get back home.

We will all be on Vitavouri 3N38 and other Vitavouri powders before we are finished.

No idea whats going on at Aliant, A381 is Supposed to be showing up this year but ill believe it when i see it.

Gamebore mammoths and a few others use A A 381 or physically similar powder at the moment, but the 16s from gamebore were A steel according to the Americans But stripped Recent ones And they are Black grey Round flaked UEE .... Maxan Powder by the look these days, I recon New Mammoths will take to using this Powder and could be a metaphorical weather vane indicating if its all over at Alliant or not.

Thank you very much Tony very much appreciated.

I did tell my Brother to cut open his 10ga Rhino Steel as believe they are loaded with Alliant Steel !!!!

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Well ive just spent 10 mins on the net trying to find out any info on the Burned down factory, Alliant folding etc, Plenty of roumours about factories Burning down I know there was one in Russia a wile ago did acctualy burn down thatrs a fact.

But There is one in Wilmington USA supposed to have burned down, Next on in Belgium they gave an address saying it will cause Vitavouri to Quote DRY UP... This was dated 2014. :rolleyes:

Basicaly to many internet heroes trying to dish the dirt on why when and where things are going to happen, and very little hard facts to back anything up.

From like october of 2015 a few in america seem to be getting orders full filled which were placed 18 months previous, SO PERHAPS Clay and games Expected some time this year A s381 or teel order could land over here.

Now if that order is just involves filtering some through game bore and is just what they can spare or if some is coming in on the powder boat With C and Gs name on it i have no idea, but time will tell.

But it looks if the American forum posts are indeed accurate, that its gradualy showing up.

One last bit, Noticed a 2015 post mentioning some reloading supply company selling 3...... 8lb jugs of alliant green dot for 165 us dollars collected . Man are we being ripped off over here or what.


Edited by TONY R
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