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Shotgun offshore

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Not often you get to play with a shotgun offshore but I did today. The platform has been shut down for maintenance and is currently starting up. As there was no gas on the platform and the flare system was being worked on there was no need for the flare to be on. So as the plant is now in the process of starting up the flare system had to be recommisioned and subsequently the flare lit. As there is no automatic ignition system the flare has to be lit with the use of a shotgun flare cartridge. Although the platform OIM has the certificate for the use and storage of the shotgun, he has been to busy to go out himself to use the it . As there was no one else who has a certificate on the platform but myself I was tasked with being responsible for the use of it and to ignite the flare. It took 2 shots, the first attempt was a mile low under the gas cloud but the second was spot on. I had to take the wind into account and it is blowing a fair bit right into my face, just had to point the barrel and pull the trigger with no visual target to focus on.


The gun is a Greeners CP gun, single barrel lever action, a dinky little thing and a good bit short on the stock for me but it was fun. I don't know how old it is

but it looks a fair age. I have had a look at the Greeners web site for any information but not a lot without sending them a research fee and some photos. I may ask the OIM if I could do this but I don't think he would be bothered to pay the fee for the research.


Anayway bring on the next shutdown and start up !! That's if I am still here !!

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