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Gun Shops in Norfolk


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Hello all,


Am going to Norfolk for a week next week so can anyone recommend any good RFD's for me to browse? I'll be taking my SGC and FAC in case there is any bargains to be had, will be on the Broads (Acle area).


Don't tell the missus though, it's our honeymoon....!



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^ Ha! I don't know what you mean...!


It's totally unfamiliar to me, so I'm looking forward to a wander round.


As an aside, the bloke who's renting the cottage to us told me proudly yesterday that there's "cuddly fox cubs in the garden." Looks like I'm keeping the terrier on it's lead for a week then....

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Cuddly cubs? Does he know you're a hunter? I dare you to try and pack as many shirts as you can into a gunslip and see what he says when you turn up with it...



Don't even joke. The missus has been giggling about it all day. Imagine that. Nice romantic meal on the decking, bottle of champagne, soft music drifting through the air, fluffy wuffy fox cubs playing in the garden...........












Another drink dear?.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm back. Had a great time, thanks for all the suggestions. I found another too, Cooper Sports in Woodbastwick. Happened to drive past, and called in for a quick look..........and now have a CZ Varmint!


Not the cheapest place but a nice guy and he did me a deal so well pleased.


Was walking back from the pub to our honeymoon "love nest" last night, and squeaked 2 cubs in. One came to about 2 and a half feet away, till the missus got scared it was going to bite her leg, then it ambled off. Lovely to see.

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