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Help with wandering POI


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Now then fellas, went out for a bit of target practice last night with the S200.

My problem is that 2 or 3 shots group together as normal, then the POI drops by around an inch at 30yrds! :sly: then 2-3 shots group together again before it drops another inch and so on until I end up having to adjust the elevation on my scope.

I've replaced the O ring on the cylinder in the rifle, but this didnt solve the problem. I'm really keen to sort this out as I have lots of bunny bashing to do on my permission, Any thoughts?

Cheers Jim

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The power curve would not be that pronounced.


Are all the scope mounting bolts/screws tight?


Cheers for the reply SB, all screws are are as tight as I'd want to take them without damaging anything :lol:

The POI drop between shots is fairly uniform also (pretty much an inch exactly every time)




2 things to look at - scope/mounts would be my favourite.


Or get it over a chrono that should rule out power variation.


Checked the scope and mounts, seems fine to me. My mates got a chrono. If there is a power variation, what does that entail?


Cheers, Jim :sly:

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Sounds very odd indeed. Are you pausing between groups? I.e. 3 shot group pause another 3 shot group etc. As the results you are explaing would then suggest a leak.


Barring the scope, i'd also check the modertor if you have one and check that the pellets arent fouling it. You could also check the crown but I doubt that it owuld have the effect you are explaining.

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Sounds very odd indeed. Are you pausing between groups? I.e. 3 shot group pause another 3 shot group etc. As the results you are explaing would then suggest a leak.


Barring the scope, i'd also check the modertor if you have one and check that the pellets arent fouling it. You could also check the crown but I doubt that it owuld have the effect you are explaining.


It won't be a leak, anything that drastic would empty the chamber very quickly. He has not indicated this problem. (He would have to refill from empty every time he used the gun, plus the gun would vent when it reached the low pressure scaring the **** out of him!, he would have mentioned this I am sure!).


My hunch is it is not the moderator either as some of the pellets are grouping, dropping and grouping again. Pellets clipping the mod' would "shotgun" the pellets erratically all the time.


At the moment I am inclined to think it might be a scope problem, internally.

Has the scope been used on a springer?

Is it new?

Is the elevation turret adjuster "positive" in its adjustment? Or is it loose and moving onit's own?

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Dont discount the Moderator issue, you know the Browning right. Well he has Logun airgun (not sure which one) that had a Logun Modertor on the end that had been knocked. He asked me to look at it and upon checking we could never get it zerod. I'll be honest the groups were awful but each and every shot was consistently low and left.


The thing tha tmakes me doubt the sciope is that there no recoil or any forces significant to make the scope move between shots. If there were, it wouldnt group as per the description.

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Dont discount the Moderator issue, you know the Browning right. Well he has Logun airgun (not sure which one) that had a Logun Modertor on the end that had been knocked. He asked me to look at it and upon checking we could never get it zerod. I'll be honest the groups were awful but each and every shot was consistently low and left.


The thing tha tmakes me doubt the sciope is that there no recoil or any forces significant to make the scope move between shots. If there were, it wouldnt group as per the description.


But the shots on this S200 are not consistent, they move. Unless the mod' is moving each time and causing the POI to shift it shouldn't be the mod.


As for the scope, I did ask if it had been used on a springer beforehand, this could have caused the damage.

Also if it were a new scope, it could be a glitch in the manufacture.

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The scope is new, got it from this forum. What I dont understand is that last week I was getting penny sized groups with great consistancy and plenty of kills, now this has happened.


Incidently, I had to empty the chamber to take it out when I changed the O ring. I dry fired it until it got to a low preassure and purged itself - and yes I did **** myself :sly: a quick txt to my mate informed me that this is a safety feature similar to that of the 400 range.


When the rain stops I might try it without the silencer and with a differant batch of pellets. If I still cant find the problem / solution then it may be a gunsmith trip do you think? :lol:

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Update: tried it last night without the silencer - looked like swiss cheese.

Put the silencer back on and it basically punched a vertical line through the target from top to bottom.

Also tried 2 differant batches of pellets. Its still under warrenty anyway so going to take it into my local gunshop and see what they think :stupid:

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The scope is new, got it from this forum.



Incidently, I had to empty the chamber to take it out when I changed the O ring. I dry fired it until it got to a low preassure and purged itself - and yes I did **** myself :good:



If I still cant find the problem / solution then it may be a gunsmith trip do you think? :o


Firstly was it BRAND NEW or new to you?


Secondly, happens to the best of 'em!


And thirdly, Yes, afraid so.


Good luck and keep us informed. :stupid:

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Update: Took it into gunsmiths im leeds on saturday. He chrono'd it at 6.5! :whistling: Im pretty sure it had around 150 bar in it at the time. But he's asked that I take it back again along with my bottle and fill to carrect preassure, then if its still putting out a low velocity or inconsistant i.e 12.6, 11.2, 12.6 etc then he'll send it to Air Arms. It is still under warranty at the end of the day.

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I got a new filling hose and gauge a couple of weeks ago (roughly when the problem started)

Out shooting with a friend of mine last night and he says "fill up the 200 then, and i'll have a look"

so I filled her up to what I thought was 170 bar........ he then pointed out that I was looking at the wrong set of scales on the face of the gauge..... and had in fact filled it to roughly 90-100 bar :(


Thus explaining the 6.5 at the gunsmiths :yp:


We chronod it last nite at a fairly constant 11ft/lb and managed to get a nice, tidy grouping of 10 shots at 30yrds.


I'll go stand in the corner with my dunce hat on now.......... :lol:

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