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To be honest it needs to go on line. I know the police are worried about dienfranchising some owners but from my experience most people can get things sorted through the internet no matter what age (hell even my mum and dad who dont own a computer manage to book most stuff they need through the net via me and friends).

The new system in I think Northern Ireland seems like a really positive move from what I have seen of it I especially like their new variation system with the banding which seems a quantum leap forward from the frankly pathetic system we currently have.

If it went on line information would me more correct as the applicant would be responsible for inputting most of it, you know it would get there (no posting stuff out), the FEOs wouldn't have loads of boxes of paperwork about.

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Yeah but a lot of the problems are of their own making such as the feos make it up as you go along and every force doing their own thing and when you get a certificate it's written All wrong like a lot of mumbo jumbo with moderators and expanding missing so that the whole lot has to be redone. When I was waiting for my certificate I was told by my FeO that they had issued 1500 s7s in one week to try to hold off the back log. How did it get to a situation like that and no one had realised that more resources were needed? There should be some sort of government enquiry with bums kicked over mis management

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