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Lincoln Jeffries Shotguns.


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Just bought a Lincoln Jeffries Damascus barrelled Hammer Gun, proof marks indicate that the barrels were made in 1875-87 but they also have " awarded first prize Melbourne 1889" stamped on the top so bit of confusion there. The locks have the name "chas Maschwitz junior" engraved into a banner on both sides but the only history of him I can find is that he patented the first Stamp box in 1850, was it his gun? or did he sell guns bought from LJ?

The gun has a feel of quality about it - nice walnut stock, locks feel like a watchmaker built them and even the rib is Damascus - serial number is 24 so early in the run and the words "Lincoln Jeffries The Lightweight 12 Bore" run along the rib.

Does anyone out there in PW land have any info whatsoever about LJ shotguns? Searching the interweb turns up very little?

Edited by bruno22rf
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Lincoln Jeffries 1873-1900 . 31 . Whithall St 73/88 .48Whithall St 89/98. 121 Steelhouse Lane 99/00 .140 Steelhouse Lane 1930/35 .16/17 Bath St 1935/? 120 Steelhouse Lane 1950 . Mostly now known as a manufacturer of air gun pellets .

Lincoln Jeffries was tee son of George Jeffries of Norwich

Edited by Gunman
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That's the same as mine as far as I can tell - although mine is NP with plenty of wall thickness left!! I logged in to the site and found that she went for £900 but then a 16G might well be of more value but that's well over 3 times what I paid for mine. Took the old girl out today with a handful of 21g Lyalvale super lights and the gun really is light but handles superbly - hard to beat the feeling of a gentle stroll with a 130 year old gun glistening in the late afternoon sun - if only she could talk!! An inquisitive squirrel stayed just a little too long in the top of a leafless Hawthorn and cylinder choke at just over 25 yards dropped him like a stone. Only "fault" that I have noticed so far is that the highly polished Damascus barrels reflect the bead so looking down the rib you can see 3 beads with the 2 reflections easy to spot as they appear lower - caught me by surprise a couple of times though :rolleyes:

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