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Which calibre?


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One thing on the .204 to bear in mind is its a lot hotter cartridge than the hornets being a necked down .222 magnum so I am not sure what it would do to bugs bunny even with a head shot and how edible it would be afterwards. Not sure if Colin or one of the other .204 users can shed some light on how it fares on bunnys.

Between the .22 hornet and the .17 hornet its a flip up between faster and flatter with the .17 vs slower but heavier bullet on the .22 hornet. Also when I was looking generally you are looking at second hand with the .22 hornet as there dont appear to be a lot of new ones about but the cost is a lot less even compared to second hand .17 hornets.

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If you can take head shots on the rabbits then there's little damage to meat beyond the shoulder, very little meat on that anyway. The only draw back is cost at 35p -50p ish a pop its not viable if your shooting for some form of pay back.

Ive taken a fair few with my 17 rem and most of the time there is little left forward of the shoulder. The bonus with the CF against RF is the accuracy and reliability factor.

You will take Fox's without a problem out to 300yds with certainty with 204,222,and 17 rem (17 &22 Hornet I,m not too sure about)

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i have head shot rabbits with the 204 but can't really tell you what it does to the head as i can never find them hehehe,

one thing i would say is if your foxing/rabbit shooting late eve or early morning and a muntjac appears then with a .222 you can take it with that but can't with the other calibre's your mentioning,

the 204 with 32gr varmaggedon's seems to more explosive on meat than my .222 with 50gr soft nose rounds,



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