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This was extracted from the NRA website,


I would welcome the idea, seeing as though I am already a full member of 2 of these,


National Association of Target Shooting Sports

The NATSS Steering Group met again recently at the CPSA HQ at the National Shooting Centre, Bisley to discuss the Funding for the NATSS Project.


It was announced that UK Sport/CCPR have agreed to provide up to £150,000 of funding in respect of the project to unite the UK governing bodies of target shooting sports. It is projected that the majority of the funds will be allocated to the independent Facilitator who will be appointed to guide and coordinate the process.


Conclusion of the initial phase of the project will need to convince the Council Members of the NRA and the Board of Directors of the CPSA and NSRA that we should proceed and that such a recommendation be presented to the Membership. The next phase will need to include communicating the advantages of unification to the Membership of the three Associations. The final phase will be for the Membership to be presented with the opportunity at an AGM or EGM, to decide. It is expected that the process could take up to two years to bring to a conclusion.


Personnel Changes

Prior to the meeting the Steering Group had been informed that in accordance with the NRA constitution, John Jackman will be standing down as Chairman of the NRA in September 2007 having served in that office for 6 years. The NRA are conducting a campaign to identify a suitable replacement. John Jackman has agreed to be available to continue to be actively involved in the NATSS project, if required.


Following the meeting Graham Pound announced that he has resigned as Chairman of the NSRA, following 11 years of service. The NSRA are considering their options with regard to a replacement Chairman.

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Not really odd, I think with the NSRA chairman it was a case of "jump before we push you" The NSRA could do a lot worse than to get rid of their whole board and start again.


As for turning their back on hunting I believe that although the insurance you get from them will cover you for all aspects of shooting I wouldn't want to phone any of the three to ask a question about live shooting.


Thats what the BASC are for.

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