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UFC 209 Woodley vs Thompson 2


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This is looking like a pretty decent card with some interesting fights.


The main event is of course the rematch between Woodley and Thompson. I see this going to Woodley, as long as he doesn;t get drawn into a striking match and concentrates on taking Thompson down. He (Woodley) proved in the first fight that he clearly outclasses Wonderboy on the ground and with the new MMA rules and scoring I can easily see him scoring a couple of 10-8 rounds. Thompson is one tough sob though so I'm not sure Woodley will manage to stop the fight. Points win for Woodley is my prediction.


Then we have probably the most interesting fight of the night, Khabib Nurmagomedov vs Tony Ferguson. Khabib is probably the best ground and pound fighter in the world atm and he's a dangerous striker too. Ferguson though is a great all-rounder with wicked striking and some outstanding chokes in his arsenal. I presume that as he's undefeated that Khabib is the favourite in this match up but I doubt there's much in it. There is of course also the added interest in that whoever wins will most likely be Conor's next opponent.


Too tough to call imo but I can't wait to see this fight.


The other interesting fight is the heavyweight bout between Alistair Overeem and Mark Hunt. This is also a rematch, they fought about 8 years ago and Overeem won by submission. This could well be a serious brawl. I think the edge goes to Overeem as he's the younger fighter but you can never discount Mark Hunt from landing one of his famous walk-away punches. I can't see this one going the distance whoever wins but I'll say Overeem ftw.



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Looking forward to this card for sure. Some great match ups and good to see who will fight Conner. Plus I love watching Hunt fight. Can't beat the walkway knockouts lol.


It's the Roy Nelson one that always gets me. That dude can seriously take a shot but Hunt hit him with an uppercut from hell and it was game over, Big Country just face planted into the canvas. As KO victories go, that one just has to be up there amongst the best.

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Won't be staying up for this one as I've got to much going on at present. Will certainly be watching it the following day though.


I don't like Ferguson but I have a feeling he will beat the Russian despite most having it the other way

Ferguson has got some tools in his Arsenal and does some unbelievable moves. The bear of a Russian has obviously the better ground game but without it he seems pretty ordinary. No doubt he will over power Ferguson on the ground given his freakish strength.I have seen both of them get tagged and get though it but getting tagged by McGregor is a different story. I would rather see McGregor vs the Russian given all the talk but whomever comes through it will be interesting none the less.


The rematch should be good and could go either way also.


I haven't had much time to watch much of the build up so what's up with the new rules?

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I haven't had much time to watch much of the build up so what's up with the new rules?


Rather than me trying to explain . . .




The most significant is the new scoring where 10-8 rounds should be far more common.

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Thanks for the link. A quick scroll and read and I would be in favour of most. Still undecided about one or two damaging shots being scored more than a lot more less damaging shots. I will have to brew on this one. In saying that a lot of fights in both MMA and boxing gave been scored like this and it causes controversy. I suppose this would do away with any controversy and the rounds would be more clear cut to score without any argument. Some of the scoring especially in boxing this past while I just cant get my head around.

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Well that turned out to be a pretty decent card. Overeeem vs Hunt was a good fight with a brilliant finish with those devastating knee strikes. I enjoyed the ladies fight. A great display of grappling by Calvillo to take the submission victory. Evans vs Kelly was far more entertaining than I expected it to be. Despite losing Evans looked pretty good at 185lbs. Teymur vs Vannato was a good scrap too.


But what to say about the ME? A real chess match of a fight with Thompson pretty clearly winning rounds 1,2 and probably round 4 and Woodley winning 3 and 5. The question though is did Woodley deserve to score 10-8 in those 2 rounds? For me, judging the fight as a whole, I would have given another draw. But, having said that, Woodley was the only one who dominated any portions of the fight and the only one who looked like getting the fight stopped. A ref. other than McCarthy might well have stopped the fight in the 5th, but as is usually the case I think Big John made the correct decision.


A tough one to call. I don't really think Thompson did enough to claim an outright victory but at the same time I'm not sure Woodley did either. Hence my scoring it as a draw. However, given that it wasn't the most exciting of fights I can't really say I would be interested in seeing Woodley vs Thompson 3 so it's probably for the best that Woodley won.

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