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Nest of Tachybaptus ruficollis.


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JDog, has that pond been treated with dye to hold off the weed growth?


It looks like it but no it hasn't. That is the pond's natural colour at this time of year, odd I know but it was the same colour last year. Yesterday when I was there there was a lot of algal growth on the top at one end. I have just returned from shooting a few pigeons next to the pond and with the wind in the opposite direction the algae has all gone down the outlet pipe at the other end and the surface of the pond is clear of weeds.


There are no fish in the pond. However it is a great spot for duck and I have seen Mallard, Teal, Wigeon, Tufted, Pochard and Pintail on there. The pond is in a very secluded place with little disturbance other than from Jasper and I.

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