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Mark M

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Hi guys I'm new to air gunning, Got myself a BSA lightning XL tactical and need to know the best way to go about getting permission to shoot on private land, I live near a farm that joins onto a golf course which both have an old railway running through, Thia has been made into a foot path but i think it is privately owned but allows public use, Thing is there are hundreds of rabbits in the area and i fancy popping a few! Any help would be appreciated.

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Mark, welcome to the forum!


There are several things you need to do first, before you go out nto the field. The most important of thise is to learn the laws on the sport, so that you dont get yourself into trouble. There is a link section on this sight that as many usefue links and is found here: Useful Links


I woud also suggest that yo haev a good look over the BASC website particularly the airgun section and the aigun code of practice. This can be found here: BASC Air Rifles Code of Practice


Another useful section is the Gaining Permission section o this forum here: http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...hp?showforum=15


As for insurance etc I would suggest joining BASC as you get lot more thanjust insurance. If you find the subscription over priced, you ill fins a nukmber of recognised organsistaions that will suffice. Either way, make sue you have insurance before you enter the field.


Finally, before you go sooting live targets makes you ar able to consistently hit a 1 inch circle at your given ranges, usually 30-35 yards with a legal limit ar rifle.

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If you fill your profile in with your location you might get someone local who will get in contact and show you the ropes.

Oh and one more tip, don't get disheartened about knockbacks. Every 10 doors you knock on 9.5 are going to say no thanks. Just keep going and look after the shoots you do get.


Any advice you need just shout, we don't bite. Unless you bite first :good:

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