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Roe deer


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I told you the story of my first roebuck cull for this season, but didn't tell the story of the second one. For the second one i got up at 03.45 that morning and drove to a the hunting ground. Parked car and stalked for about 1 mile to the high seat i wanted to get on. Saw two bucks there in februari and one of them was a cull buck, that is the one i was after. Got on the high seat with the infamous name "heaven's ladder" because it is as high as a 3 story building. And to add an extra scary bit it has gone a bit crooked over the last two years. So it feels like you are sliding towards the left and tip over :blush: . i always check high seats the day before so i knew it was still quite secure, but gives you an uncomfortable feeling still.

I was looking over a grassy field with wood on the left and behind me and some corn fields to the right. First saw a yearling doe. Watched that for 15 minutes, then this yearling was startled by an older doe. Funny you can tell by the behaviour of the animal if it is young or more experienced. No calfs seen. They where both gettin a bit unsettled 25 minutes later, so i thought the buck was in the cover, waiting to come out. After another 5 minutes a roebuck broke cover about 150 meters in front of me. Quickly spied for the head and it was the wanted cull buck. So reached for the gun and waited just a bit for it to come closer. I am not very fond of long shots so if i can get it closer by i prefer that. It only came in 10 meters and wanted to go away again. Decided that i had to wait no more, put crosshairs on the buck and shot it cleanly. Lay on the spot. So good morning out. Enclose pictures of my buck and an older one that a mate of mine shot that same day.

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Yes that last chew is a part of the respect you give to the animal that is shot. You take two branches or some plants (if no trees nearby) from the spot the animal was round when you shot it. (preferable an oak tree) Then you put one piece of branch it it's mouth as a last chew. The other branch is presented by the host, or hunting leader to you. The leaves of the branch is first put into the wound and then you get it presented with a handshake over your hat held in youre other hand. You can then stick the branch on youre hat and keep it there all day like Robin Hood :blink: . i like the tradition. In germany and sometimes netherlands the game also is honoured by music blown from hunting horns. Each animal having it's own tune.

I did the last chew part in Lincolnshire as well ans people liked is also, they never did it like that. Other country other customs i quess.

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