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home use????????

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i have a .22 rf rifle and i do hunting and target shooting with a sound moderator which makes it no louder than my air gun.

is it possible to practice with it in my 1/2 acre garden which is on the outskirts of town as it is not to loud and i have a soft suitable backstop.

i already shoot in my garden with a 12ftlb airgun :lol::D:good: :thumbs:


plz comment


also i doubt anyone would notice as i did it once to test it and nobody was botherd

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Need to ensure it conforms to the usual regs, regardless of how quiet it is...e.g. distance from public highway, other properties etc. Does it state that you can shoot on that land on your ticket...or do you have an open ticket? What's beyond the end of your garden?

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It allows you to shoot on any land without prior consent from the police. Otherwise you need your land checked by the police before your allowed to shoot on it. I'm guessing that if you don't know what it is you havent got it. In which case you would need you garden checked by the police before your allowed to shoot it. Otherwise if a neighbour complains...bye bye guns! :thumbs:

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i have a .22 rf rifle and i do hunting and target shooting with a sound moderator which makes it no louder than my air gun.

is it possible to practice with it in my 1/2 acre garden which is on the outskirts of town as it is not to loud and i have a soft suitable backstop.

i already shoot in my garden with a 12ftlb airgun :good::good::angry: :unsure:


plz comment


also i doubt anyone would notice as i did it once to test it and nobody was botherd


Hi there.


First off I would strongly advise you not to go shooting a long rifle in your back garden, its never that safe and backstops, kid, pets etc are just too much of a random factor to consider as safe. To put in pactical terms, at 100m subs will badly deform sheet steel 2mm, and sonics will pass straight through.. .. umm




Should you want to continue then the only ammunition to consider is stuff like CCI CB Long - these standard looking rounds have only a 3rd the velocity at distance. Good for shooting rats in farm yards that sort of thing. That is not to say they are safe but it will afford you the practicallity of shooting that distance. You will most definately have to re sight when you return to the field or remeber your settings


Please use a wet sand back stop, it prevents richochets and captures spent rounds quite nicely and will give up old lead when sieved out

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Hi there


To answer your question : What is an open ticket ?

In this case the ticket is your FAC ( Licence ), and on this it will state where you are legally allowed to shoot.

On your initial application you would have to have given land owners permission letter etc.


On an OPEN ticket, you are not restricted as to the land you can shoot over, so long as you have landowners permission and are safe in respect to law etc.


It is not common for the first issue of a certificate to be OPEN unless you have real need. Its the 'old bills' method of keeping an eye on you in your first licence period.

I am not clear how you can qualify to an OPEN ticket. It is covered in these forums I am sure.

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