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Bass Opener, Longpoint bay

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I headed down to Longpoint Bay for the traditional opening day of Bass season this weekend. Leaving on Friday afternoon ....and forgetting my camera..........I arrived in time for a wonderful BBQ of carriboo sausage and hamburgers at one of my Mates. Timing is everything :good: After dinner the evening was spent with a few good :good: and meeting up of our other 4 Good Mates.


5am found us heading out on the water through the channels and out to the bay. A quick 15 minute boat run from the mouth of the channel, and we were ready to start fishing. After some incredable crack and a great time we were limited out. A quick call in from the boat to let my Mates wife we were on our way in and presto 40 minutes later breakfast was on the table waiting us as we walked in. ....Thank You very much Jules...... Avery pleasant morning cleaning fish and afternoon with all of us catching up, another fine BBQ of carribou sausages and burgers, with some venison summer salami and pepperets then time for the drive back home leaving at 10 pm last night. Crawled into bed at 12:30 this morning for a nice long nap. :look:



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