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a plea by a fish


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Can i just post a heartflet plea to those people ( dont expect many on here) who make a few quid, move tpo the country into an ex farmers house, the object to country pursuits being conducted near them, be it shooting fox hunting etc.


We respect your lifestyle, PLEASE RESPECT OURS.

Dont shut us down because your peace is disturbed one sunday a month for 3 hours.

Dont make it so prohibitively expensive that our kids cant live where they were born.

Dont try to bring the town living ethos into the country.

STAY IN THE TOWN if noise and sheep and the smell of cowmuck offends.

The countryside has been there a long time

why did you want to move there in the first place if at the mere mention or suggestion of something may invade your ruryl idyl you throw your expensive solicitiors at the people who make wher you live beautiful but have no vast reserves of cash to fall on should the need arise.

RESPECT is all I ask for


well said kid

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Don’t set me off, the Mrs won’t hear the last of it all night……… :yes:


I blame this nanny state interfering government who have turned this county into a third rate place to live, don’t give two hoots about tradition, the countryside, the indigenous population or their real wishes.


I used to love this country and everything we stood for, but now?


.........takes a deep breath, counts to ten, dismounts from soap box and checks another thread........

calm down now bagsy take your valium and go to bed you'l feel better in the morning.



now i'm of to bed

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'scuse my ignorance, but how can you get a shoot shut down? It seems a bit weird to me that there can be no middle ground.


I heard a story that some new country dwellers called the police because the farmer harvesting the field next to their house was creating too much dust :blink:

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As somebody who was born in Kent and brought up in London and then moved to Suffolk, I take offence. I for one have embraced all that is the countryside. I teach my two daughters the rights and wrongs from simple things such as not tresspassing where there isn't a footpath right through to the seasons for each species of Game.


I undertake vermin control, I feed the wild birds and have feeders at the bottom of my garden for Pheasant and Partridge and shoot the rats, squirrels, magpies that come in. I am the secretary for a Game syndicate and organise everything from cover crop (and no its not maize, but mixed Kale with wild bird seed mix). I go wildfowling and clayshooting. I support both the local church and school that my daughters go to, even though we are not religious and don't attend the church. I enter the local produce show and have won awards for Jams, cakes, vegtables etc.


I helped run the local cub pack, my wife runs the local charity bingo which brings additional monies to the Cubs, beavers, playgroups, WI etc. etc. etc.


I am aware of those you mention Jimdfish, but I am also aware of others like my family and I who have come to the countryside to live side by side not on top of or against the countryside.


I appreciate you are bitter judging by your recent post/rant on the for sale section, and for good reason i might add, but do not soil the reputation of us all.


SS :blink:

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As somebody who was born in Kent and brought up in London and then moved to Suffolk, I take offence. I for one have embraced all that is the countryside. I teach my two daughters the rights and wrongs from simple things such as not tresspassing where there isn't a footpath right through to the seasons for each species of Game.


I undertake vermin control, I feed the wild birds and have feeders at the bottom of my garden for Pheasant and Partridge and shoot the rats, squirrels, magpies that come in. I am the secretary for a Game syndicate and organise everything from cover crop (and no its not maize, but mixed Kale with wild bird seed mix). I go wildfowling and clayshooting. I support both the local church and school that my daughters go to, even though we are not religious and don't attend the church. I enter the local produce show and have won awards for Jams, cakes, vegtables etc.


I helped run the local cub pack, my wife runs the local charity bingo which brings additional monies to the Cubs, beavers, playgroups, WI etc. etc. etc.


I am aware of those you mention Jimdfish, but I am also aware of others like my family and I who have come to the countryside to live side by side not on top of or against the countryside.


I appreciate you are bitter judging by your recent post/rant on the for sale section, and for good reason i might add, but do not soil the reputation of us all.


SS :yes:

A couple of sayings come to mind which I believe cap it all, Live and let live and when in Rome do as the Romans do :blink:

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hi ss i personally apologise to you and anyone

else out there who are making an effort towards

our way of life as yor doing the right thing. but

it still dosent take away from the fact that most

arnt and will strongly stick to what i beleive is

going on with the majority i have seen it happen in my own

hamlet for the past 14 years.



cheers paddy.

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I appreciate you are bitter judging by your recent post/rant on the for sale section, and for good reason i might add, but do not soil the reputation of us all.


SS :blink:

Good reason - what good reason, would that reason be because someone asked him for a price and all he got in reply was abuse.


if you call that a good reason then your as mad as him.


but all in all i do feel for you Jim, its not good losing shooting to bloody townies, just because they dont understand how people in the countyside work,


maybe a cash influence might work to get your clay shooting back, it's worth a try - you've nothing to lose in this instance.

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I appreciate you are bitter judging by your recent post/rant on the for sale section, and for good reason i might add, but do not soil the reputation of us all.



Good reason - what good reason, would that reason be because someone asked him for a price and all he got in reply was abuse.


if you call that a good reason then your as mad as him.


but all in all i do feel for you Jim, its not good losing shooting to bloody townies, just because they dont understand how people in the countyside work,


maybe a cash influence might work to get your clay shooting back, it's worth a try - you've nothing to lose in this instance.




I wasn't referring so much to the actual question asked, but more with regards as to the reason why Jimdfish was having a rant. Whilst i know he doesn't want our sympathies, he has them, nobody likes to see their livelihood/hooby taken away from them regardles of them being a "townie" or a "yokel".


As I stated there are those who don't embrace the life either way, but as philiprabbit said "live and let live"




You have no reason to apologise to me or anyone else for that matter, and i wasn't asking jimdfish for one either, just trying to show both sides of the story. Sometimes we all become a little bit blinkered by our own views to the detriment of others.



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Here's an idea, why don't you stop complaining and get elected to your local council on a countryside ticket then you work from the inside, like an anti.


They are voting in people down here who vouch to overturn the alternative refuse collections :P


As I said, it's just an idea.





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Who you referring to LB???




The fish SS.


Clearly he is a intelligent man, despite his posts here, and providing he doesn't have any serious criminal convictions could run for political office.


We have a councillor with two teenage smackhead daughters that represented the local ward for several years :P





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Who you referring to LB???




The fish SS.


Clearly he is a intelligent man, despite his posts here, and providing he doesn't have any serious criminal convictions could run for political office.


We have a councillor with two teenage smackhead daughters that represented the local ward for several years :P





we have a SMACKHEAD councillor with 2 teenage daughters :D:rolleyes:

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