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Electronic Collar Time?


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Aero is getting on just fine, he still has a bit of selective hearing, especially in the orchard where there is an abundance of rabbits. He cannot be trusted of off the long lead, and during the week the Orchard is the only walk I can get him too.


I want him to be able to run free there but like I said, he cannot be trusted at the moment.


Should I consider an electronic colar?

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Hello how's the dog food?.Im not an electric coller person but they have there place on a trained dog & on game playing up.Your dog is quite young & i personaly think you should do more hup work with him as this is also the command to stop/sit/dont move etc & can take the longest to refine to desired taste.Do it in your garden etc till he is on the command in a split srcond then slowly increase distance & area with sent's & smell's.I think you would do well to visit a professional trainer as to be honest it's easy & basic to train/read a dog but we need our eye's opened to it & have only aquired my experiance with many mistake's & 2-3 pupil's ie dog's.

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Does Aero know the command when he is on lead and out of the orchard?


You are at a bit of a disadvantage as you have to exercise in the same area each night. This becomes a problem when a bad behaviour ....such as ignoring a command......becomes a habit in a specific area. Do you know if he obeys it in other areas?


There is an exercise to help reinforce the sit to the whistle....... and before the anti collar brigade jump in here it is not strap it on and light the dog up.


I am sorry I have forgotton how old Aero is. Could you please let me know as there is a age where collars should not be used in any training. Does he sit everytime on the whistle on lead?




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Does Aero know the command when he is on lead and out of the orchard?


He tends not to sit on command when he is on the lead.


You are at a bit of a disadvantage as you have to exercise in the same area each night. This becomes a problem when a bad behaviour ....such as ignoring a command......becomes a habit in a specific area. Do you know if he obeys it in other areas? He does Obey better in the feild that we use at weekends.


I can let him off here after about 5 mins on the long lead, once he has calmed down.


I am sorry I have forgotton how old Aero is. Could you please let me know as there is a age where collars should not be used in any training. Does he sit everytime on the whistle on lead?


He is 18 months.

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When you say he has a tendancy not to sit on lead ......if he is on lead and you say sit what does he do? What does he do if you blow a sit whistle while o lead?





Ok, he does not sit whilst on the lead. In fact, he only tends to sit of off the lead out in the feild. He will do it at home and in the garden but only if you get down low with the hand single, this normally results in a bit of leekage :good:


In the feild he only does it when he has got over the excitment of being out, he will sit on the long line though, but again only after he is tired or has gotten over the excitement.


I feel I am struggling again TBH

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I found the collar to be a help when reinforcing commands that are suddenly "forgotten". I use a Dogtra collar that also has a page/buzzer function. Often a harmless buzz will alert the dog that he/she needs to pay attention in a hurry. When they know that you can still reach out and touch them even though they're half a field away it makes them less likely to test you. And for the record, I rarely ever have to use the juice when hunting. Then it's only a precaution should the dog be chasing a runner towards a road or when facing up against a porcupine.

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When you taught the sit command did you follow the routine that I sent you? Asking as I am getting the feeling that we need to step back before we proceed. He should be performing the sit 100% on the lead. If not I think we need to go back.


Just a note here.


Training whether it be for field work, obediance, blood trailing, etc. is nothing more than "stupid pet tricks". The tricks are taught seperately with us showing the dog what the word and position mean.....this is where the timing comes in....... before expecting them to do it. We then chain the tricks together to have the dog work the way we want them to.


Now out of all the tricks that we will teach them everything will chain to the very first one.....the sit.....if the sit is not 100% then nothing else will be either.


When you are heeling on lead Aero should aotumatically sit when you stop at this stage, if this is not happening we need to get back to the very beginning and rebuilt the foundation.


I have no problem using a collar program but the commands need to be inplace before we can proceed to that line of training.



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To be honest NTTF I have lost my way a little. What with shooting and work I have neglected the training. Please dont shout at me.



He does not perform the site 100% on or off the lead.


I cannot for the life of me get him to walk to heel, I have tried the food in the mouth method as well, he just puts his head down and goes. I have even tried baby steps, and that actually kind of works, but takes half a year to get to your destination.

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At least you are being honest and to tell the truth I could tell you hadn't by your post :good: . So what this means is we are going to back up. I have to get off the computer just now as I am expecting a call in 5 minutes....I will get back on later this afternoon and try to get things put up for you then....actually hold on wait till tommorrow and we will see if we have stable pictures again at that point.



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