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Armsan Shotguns


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Been having a look at the Armsan site seeing what models they do as you see a few more in the dealers. 

I was surprised by how many models they make and how they all seem to use the same 3" chambered  gas operated workings across most models, yes i know they before someone says they do a 31/2" and do pumps.

My point being apart from the looks what is the difference. They just seem to have copied styling from Benelli SBE2 for the Paragon Grande, the Paragon and Phenomena look like the Browning Gold and Cynergy stocks. A612 a Beretta. 

Shame some of the higher grade models are not seen out and about, maybe price is getting up here with the B guns they emulate.

Whats your thoughts, any of you have any of the other models.

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GingerCat i am not knocking their manufacture, just curios about the differences if any across the model range as the Armsan site tells you nothing but specs and they all look the same. They will be made on modern machines and will be as good as other manufacturers products.

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GingerCat i have been looking to buy some Briley chokes and the website is a disgrace. It don't tell you the difference between the types of chokes, lots of money difference for a coloured band on the spectrum is all i can tell. No info on the choke profile taper nothing.

Armsan are no better, you would think they would be singing the praises of each models attributes.

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2 hours ago, figgy said:

GingerCat i have been looking to buy some Briley chokes and the website is a disgrace. It don't tell you the difference between the types of chokes, lots of money difference for a coloured band on the spectrum is all i can tell. No info on the choke profile taper nothing.

Armsan are no better, you would think they would be singing the praises of each models attributes.

Your preaching to the converted. Bearing in mind most shoppers these days browse online before buying you would think there would be a helpful description. 

Not very long ago I was looking at slip on recoil pads to help with fit. I'm glad I didn't buy online as the chap in the shop happily pointed out the correct one for me and I shoot better than ever with it. None of the site have any clues as to lengthy of extension of size of stock they fitted.

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