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Pulsar F155 night vision reviews

squirrel shooter

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They look good but this from Stalking Directory.

Your scope won't need parallax adjustment to work with the F155 - but frankly, don't bother with it.
Your scope will be looking at the micro display on the F155 and at anything above x 4 or x5, the image will be rubbish because you'll see all the individual display pixels.
You'll need £100 extra for a scope adaptor for each scope you want to use it with and gorilla length arms to reach the controls once it's fitted to the front of the scope.
It's another of those cases when a piece of kit is touted as doing more than one thing (a spotter and an add-on).
Technically that's true, but it does neither job at all well.
The F155 is another example of Pulsar making low magnification kit designed for the European market which is primarily shooting at large targets at short range.
They don't make any NV or thermal kit with high enough optical magnification that really suits the typical UK night shooter which is primarily smaller targets at longer ranges.

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  • 8 months later...

The F155 i used needed zeroing Y-5 X+5

I was surprised by this fact, as Pulsar states zeroing is not needed. I heard they have replaced this product by a F455 that will be launched maj/june 19

Another issue with the zeroing! I needed the POI more to the left, and had to add + X figures (normally this will move POI to the right)

You need gorilla arms to get to the control buttons. On the DFA75 the buttons were on the left side and accessible, - now its nearly impossible. I will learn myself to use the remote. I consider to have it as a necklace or on the weapon with velcro tape


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