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RIP Mick shooter McCormack

team tractor

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Only a quickie to anyone unaware that might of known him through various shooting sites on fb , forums or shoots .

i thought I hadn’t heard off him for a while and checked his Facebook. He’s sadly passed away . 

The guy taught brought me into the firearms world teaching me the basics and we’ve shot together countless times over the past 10+ years on fox, rabbit and pigeon etc . Chased combines down fields sitting on his disco roof lol. 



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1 hour ago, bumpy22 said:

sorry to hear this mate. never new him but i lost a very close friend that i shot with for 20 plus years recently. always think of him when i have had a good day in the field.  remember the good times 

3rd mate in 5 years . 

I wasn’t so close to mick as the others but still good friends and funny memories :) 

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