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I got an ipod years ago when they first came out thought they were amazing , but now its never used . I used to be into HiFi in a big way spent silly money on stuff . All thats left now is my Naim amps  and Rega speakers , just stopped listen to it .

Think things change , i dont often put a cd on these days . If i want to listen to a track , i just tend to go to youtube . Was always of the mind that a jukebox should be the way to go . I just want to listen to one song , so press a button . Or scrolling down a listen of differant songs . Ah i will listen to that .

So your gismo is ideal for doing that a compact jukebox.  Its now the quality of the recording your going to put onto your Gismo . Were would you be recording from , see not been into this in a while were do people download there stuff . My ipod is erm maybe 10 years old and still works. Ok i hated itunes to be honest . The thing your looking at looks very well built quality wise . Seems to get great reviews at the end of the day we all hear things differant and it what suits us . Enjoy your journey and research , thats the exciting bit . Have fun .

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Mainly to put my entire CD collection on but with the option of purchasing Hi-Res music from one of the new sites that sell growing collections of it.

With it having Bluetooth, it gives more options, like using it in the car or portable speakers, etc.

If I get one, I will report back and let you know what it’s like, especially against the iPod.

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