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I have been clocking the woodies for the last 5 days with a view to having a session this weekend.


They are hitting the cereal big time along side a railway line.


I am truly sorry that the Orient Express will be passing this weekend, but thats what the punters pay for :lol::lol: And as they say, **** happens.


Then it all got a bit complicted. Dunganick has his motor in for a service and the farmer has started on the rape, far to early IMHO but he won't risk losing anymore pods to the hail or rain and who am I to tell him otherwise.So now we have two strarting points ;)


Love shooting with Nick even if he does make special shooting holes in my scrim and downing woodies on my bounce :P




Woodies were everywhere tonight when I drove through the farm :good: hope they play the game on Sunday :blush:


What have you repro's planned for the weekend?

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just come back from one of the farms, and they are tyring to land in the wheat fields not going on the barley yet.i have a job to know what farm to shoot over today one got crows the other has pigeons same as rest of them have to shoot one for a while then go to another.and so on.

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Managed to get to the farm after a two hour journey due to a road closure, arrived at half eight in time to help my mate do the rounds of checking the sheep.

A few of his ewes and lambs are fly struck which really is unpleasent. He runs four collies to his sheep, the two that sat in the back of the 110 today were a bitch the size of a whippet and a welsh import the size of a lab.

The way his small one turned the sheep was amazing, when locked on to the one he wanted to treat she was not big enough to grab them and hold so she actually ducked under them and jumped = flicking them on their back.

Went out on the laid patches and after baking in the sun managed four for five shots. Beats the hell out of a bbq at he in laws.

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Same as you lb, they are swarming all over the laid wheat on my patch. Off to the gunshop in a minute to stock up on shells ( kiss of death there ).

If the weather is the same tomorrow should be a good day, have a good one mate :good:



Absolute cac digger.


Nick got down at 7 and we were on the farm at 7.30 getting all the gear together then heavens opened :good: Must have been 8.30 when we started the 500 yard tramp to the 'sweet spot' which was now a very muddy track. Nick was hitting the far out ones but most landed behind on or over the rail line so Ben wasn't sent out for those.


At 11 we put out my magnet and the *£&%$&^ wasn't working, so I walked all the way back to my workshop for nicks one, really shouldn't have bothered as we then moved into a heatwave with very few pigeons and uncomfortable to sit in.


I am starting to think he is a Jonah and will never invite him again, he will just have to turn up uninvited, it might work Nick :P


How did your day turn out digger ?






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