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Foxing Green Light


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Hi All,


Well its finally happened :good:


One of my shoots is over run by foxy however the owner never really wanted them removed as they "never done me any harm" that all changed the other day when 2 of his cats were killed by a massive dog fox on his property.


Got a phonecall on Thursday with new ROE :)


Went out last night with the NV and planned to bash a few bunnies. As soon as i got there i knew i id have good news for the land owner.


On arrival saw the biggest dog fox ive ever seen casually sitting 150 yards away licking his nuts and watching me :D wasnt ready to shoot and only had the .22 rimmie anyway so left him. Had a wander and bagged a handsome bag of bunnies, i kept on seeing foxy but way too far to shoot. Decided to go static for a while and try a few calls. After 40 mins with no luck i decided to carry on wandering, rounded a copse and nearly bumped into charlie, He was having a good old sniff etc. Dropped to my knee, took aim and shot. I saw and heard the strike (headshot, no more than 55 yards away) however for whatever reason he didnt drop. He took flight and for the next hour i searched. I hate the thought of runners and i was honestly gutted that itd happened (not found either :o). Shot was perfect and id not hesitate to take the same shot again (still cant fathom out why he didnt drop). Anyway, after an unsucessful search i didnt have the confidence in my kit to carry on so had a check zero, after 20 mins of checking rifle was still performing flawlessly so i decided to carry on.


5 mins in a quick scan shows another foxy sat watching me, so this time i go prone and take the shot. Rifle and fox do exactly as they should and the result is 1 very dead young dog fox. As it was rapidly approaching 4am i decided to walk back to the car and get back. As i approached the same copse as earlier i take a quick scan and spot yet another fox sniffing in exact same place as the 1st (blood, scent or **** etc) take aim and dropped her instantly. On inspection a very healthy vixen.


Overall a good night bar the runner and as above i dont know how or why but presented with the same opportunity again i wouldnt hesitate as all was well within shot limits.


Only realised i had my camera phone on the last one, pic attached is the vixen. Sorry for poor quality but taken with camera phone thru NV.


Off out tonight after monster dog fox :drool:







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Thanks guys :P


well done.. what add on is that?


Add on is a D300 Gen2 Mil spec mono used in conjunction with a 90mw IR laser.


Great shooting your picture has a strange effect, is it NV, soz if Iam wrong...and welcome to pigeon watch :D


:):drool::good: :o




Yep, pic taken through my NV with my camera phone.





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