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The end of a Salmon river?

henry d

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I do a lot of ferreting at The Cargill  beat of the Tay  and if we are going lamping etc we are told where to park the motor and Gamekeepers and Bailiffs know who's there 

A farmer said that the beat changed hands a wee while ago for over 2 million pounds and while all the bailiffs and fishermen remain the same its only the head of the tree that changed 

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4 hours ago, henry d said:

Seems a bit of a guesstimate from all sides the author makes a few assumptions and dismisses some other hypotheses without going back to them or saying why in the text. He also seems to be concentrating on the western side of the UK and mentions that the hypotheses would be similar on the N sea, but I have been sat on my kayak a mile or so out with crustacian fry crawling up my legs (I usually sit side saddle/legs akimbo when fishing) and there are 0000000`s of sandeel etc and the mackerel are fat as butter, I can`t see the over grazing, and yes they are just personal obvs. Then there is the growth of the ABT in the western approaches and N sea which would seem to indicate healthy pelagic species from launce to mackerel/herring.

It`s a big eco system out there and there will be a lot of different things that impinge on each other so there is not going to be a simple answer to it but I suppose I will have to increase my mackerel quota to give it a try.

You're absolutely right, and it is only a hypothesis. As you say it is a big old sea. Just found it interesting. As you say no simple answers, and will need a mix of things to get it right. But bit concerning if those setting the quotas could be getting their population estimates so wrong. Good luck with the mackerel! The south coast has been really poor the past few years, at least it has for me!

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