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Dog limping


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Hi all

My 12 mth old springer developed a limp in his front leg yesterday afternoon.

Due to the hot wearther i decided to walk him on the lead rather than let him run free, walked about 20yards on pavement and he went lame on the front leg. Took him home checked pad, nails,and rubbed hand along foreleg. i could find nothing wrong.

Let him rest and he seemed okay in the evening, but after a short walk he was lame again.

I was wondering if he could have pulled a ligament or something similar, he does or did not make any noise when this happened/

Does any one have any ideas before i take him to the vets?

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My lab had an occasional limp until one day she wouldnt put her foot on the floor. Would let you look at it squeeze it and move it ... Took her to the vets and she had two fractures on her toes.

Best off letting the vet take a look if you are concerned. hope you got pet insurance as x-rays dont come cheap

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