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Advice filling out a variation form

Stealth Stalker

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Not sure if this is in the right section, so mods feel free to move.


Well after Bisley & the large amount of foxes & muntjac I've seen over on my syndicate shoot I'm feeling the need for something a bit bigger.


A few questions regarding the form


1: Do I need to inform them of driving offences going as far back as 20 years ago?


2: The reasons for requiring the calibers ( I'm thinking of .223 & .243) do I say for vermin, fox & small deer?


3:Where I intend to use them, do I put all the land I have permission to shoot or just the land that I know is cleared for those calibers?


4: How much ammo should I put to buy & hold?


5: What are the fees for a variation?


6: how do I go about getting an open ticket? I've had my ticket for nearly 2 years now


I'll also be asking your advice on what type of rifles, but that can wait for now.


Thanks in advance


Stealth Stalker

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SS, this is what I reckon, lets see what the others say...


Not sure if this is in the right section, so mods feel free to move.


Well after Bisley & the large amount of foxes & muntjac I've seen over on my syndicate shoot I'm feeling the need for something a bit bigger.


A few questions regarding the form


1: Do I need to inform them of driving offences going as far back as 20 years ago? No


2: The reasons for requiring the calibers ( I'm thinking of .223 & .243) do I say for vermin, fox & small deer? Tell them the .223 is for fox, and get deer+ fox on the .243, otherwise everytime you go deer stalking all you will see are foxes!

3:Where I intend to use them, do I put all the land I have permission to shoot or just the land that I know is cleared for those calibers? Put the land where they are, if it isn't cleared, I would get them to clear it

4: How much ammo should I put to buy & hold? Take your FEO's advice here, mine doubled my quantities when he came round, hold 300 buy 200 is good starting point though

5: What are the fees for a variation? £27?


6: how do I go about getting an open ticket? I've had my ticket for nearly 2 years now Ask them, but give good reasons for doing so, i.e. loosing opertunities and acquiring more land all the time etc. If you have used plenty of ammo they would open it up round my way


I'll also be asking your advice on what type of rifles, but that can wait for now.


Thanks in advance


Stealth Stalker

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You only have to tell them of any convictions since your last renewal or application



i have had the same problem as you fister - i got 3 points going to the damn gun shop - 67 in a 60mph limit and 3 going to a game fair - 36 in a 30mph


aint life grand sometimes :(

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